Apply bottom-to-top techniques to troubleshoot BIG-IP systems. Review a variety of lower layer tools including ping, bigtop, netstat and tcpdump for manipulating different flags for viewing hex and ASCII.
Analyze network protocols using Wireshark and a variety of capture file formats including pcap and tcpdump. Build filters and use different commands and expressions to capture data on different connections in hands-on lab scenarios. Use the Fiddler HTTP proxy to view and analyze different session elements including URL, Content-Type and other headers, bytes sent/received, response codes, and performance statistics. Explore various curl command options for testing endpoint availability and analyzing ingress and egress payloads in detail.
Learn how to use KDiff to compare files from different BIG-IP devices for locating different traffic processing objects. Gain familiarity with using local and remote logging data, facilities, messaging, and levels for troubleshooting. See how iRules can be used for setting up message logging and logging levels. Finally, learn how to create an analytics profile to view traffic statistics, application visibility, and reporting.
This course is intended for network administrators responsible for managing the normal day-to-day operation and administration of a BIG-IP application delivery network. This course presents the prerequisite knowledge for many of F5’s other BIG-IP instructor-led training courses.