
Insoft on palvellut IT-yhteisöä Ciscon virallisella koulutustarjonnalla vuodesta 2010. Tältä sivulta löydät kaikki olennaiset tiedot Ciscon koulutuksesta.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco opintopisteet (CLC) ovat suoraan Ciscon kanssa lunastettuja prepaid-koulutusseteleitä, jotka helpottavat menestyksen suunnittelua ostaessasi Ciscon tuotteita ja palveluita.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Cisco täydennyskoulutusohjelma tarjoaa kaikille aktiivisille sertifioinnin haltijoille joustavia vaihtoehtoja uudelleensertifiointiin suorittamalla erilaisia kelvollisia koulutuskohteita.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifioidut työntekijät ovat ARVOSTETTUJA omaisuuseriä. Tutustu Ciscon valtuutettuun digitaaliseen oppimiskirjastoon ja kouluta itseäsi tallennettujen istuntojen avulla.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program keskittyy Cisco Channel Partnersin ja asiakkaiden liiketoimintataitojen terävöittämiseen.

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Insoft Services on auktorisoitu Fortinet-kouluttaja useassa Euroopan maassa.

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ATC Status

Tarkista ATC-tilamme valituissa Euroopan maissa.

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Insoft Services tarjoaa Microsoftille EMEAR-koulutusta. Tarjoamme Microsoftin teknistä koulutusta ja sertifiointikursseja, joita johtavat maailmanluokan ohjaajat.

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Extreme Networks Technical Trainingin kehitys tarjoaa kattavan progressiivisen polun associate-akkreditoinnista ammatilliseen akkreditointiin.

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Valtuutettuna koulutuskumppanina (ATP) Insoft Services varmistaa, että saat korkeimman saatavilla olevan koulutuksen.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Missiomme: Tarjota asiantunteva joukko moderneja ja huippuluokan verkkoautomaatiotaitoja markkinoille asiantuntijapalvelujen avulla.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Autamme organisaatioita ottamaan käyttöön Software-Defined Networking (SDN) -ratkaisuja, kuten Cisco DNA:ta.Lisäksi tiimillämme on laaja kokemus Cisco DNA Centerin integroinnista kolmannen osapuolen järjestelmiin.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Koulutusvalikoimaamme kuuluu laaja valikoima IT-koulutusta IP-palveluntarjoajilta, mukaan lukien Cisco, Extreme Networks, Fortinet, Microsoft, muutamia mainitakseni, EMEA-alueella.

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DP0139 – Veritas NetBackup 2.6.x Appliances: Configuration and Management

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Suostun vastaanottamaan sähköpostiviestejä ja/tai puheluita Insoft Services Oy: n tuotteista ja palveluista.
Hyväksyn, että tietojani kerätään ja käsitellään Insoft Servicesin tietosuojakäytännössä kuvatulla tavalla.


DP0139 – Veritas NetBackup 2.6.x Appliances: Configuration and Management

2 päivää
(Online ja paikan päällä)
Hinta pyydettäessä

The Symantec NetBackup 2.6.x Appliances: Configuration and Management course provides IT professionals with the skills necessary to configure and manage Symantec NetBackup appliances. You will learn about the general tools and processes used when working with NetBackup appliances, such as the CLISH interface and appliance web console, as well as configuration and maintenance tasks specific to the NetBackup 5230 and 5330 appliances. Additionally this course explains the process of initial configuration, backup operations as they pertain to the appliance, monitoring, managing and troubleshooting a Symantec NetBackup Appliance environment.


Note: The scope of this course does NOT include general NetBackup concepts such as architecture in a NetBackup domain and backup policies.

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify and describe each of the Symantec Appliance family models, software releases and the major features of each of those models
  • Describe the process of performing a basic configuration of the Appliance using the NetBackup Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH).
  • Describe the process of monitoring and managing the 5230 Appliance using RMM4 and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu CLISH).
  • Identify common Appliance hardware faults or failures and management tasks for the appliance.
  • Describe the process of applying updates to the Appliance software and the effects and options of performing a reset or a reimage and decommissioning of a 5230 Appliance.
  • Review troubleshooting tools.

Appliance Introduction and Overview

  • Identify and describe each of the NetBackup Appliance models and their major features.
  • List the supported NetBackup Appliance software releases and identify how to access the compatibility information for NetBackup Appliances.
  • Identify the hardware components and configuration options of the appliance compute units and storage shelves.

Appliance Configuration

  • Identify the information needed to complete the preconfiguration checklist, the required registration web page and other considerations for the initial appliance configuration.
  • Describe how to access the Appliance Web Console for initial appliance configuration using the direct connect and remote methods and connecting postconfiguration through the network.
  • Identify local configuration tasks using the Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH).
  • Identify the remote configuration tasks using the Remote Management Module (RMM4)
  • Validate the appliance configuration by logging into the appliance.

Appliance Operations

  • Explain functionality differences when using a NetBackup appliance, and use common NetBackup features with the appliance.
  • Perform backups and restores using an appliance.
  • Run reports from the NetBackup and Appliance interfaces showing backup activity on the appliance.

Monitoring Appliance Health

  • Describe the areas in OpsCenter where Appliance monitoring information is found.
  • Identify monitoring tasks using the Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH).
  • Identify the areas in the Symantec Remote Management console where Appliance monitoring information is found.

Updates, Resets and Reimage

  • Describe the framework for upgrading an appliance to 2.6.1 including versioning/compatibility.
  • Perform pre-upgrade and pre-flight checks on an appliance.
  • Upgrade an appliance to a new software version.
  • Install client software from an appliance.
  • Perform a Factory reset on an appliance
  • Reimage an appliance
  • Describe the procedure to decommission an appliance.

Appliance Maintenance Tasks

  • Identify the basics of the optional Call Home feature and how it allows proactive monitoring and messaging of NetBackup components.
  • Describe the process for configuring a NetBackup CLI User.
  • Explain the steps required to configure authentication on the appliance using LDAP.
  • Describe general concepts for adding a second storage array and resource location for specific differences pertaining to the 5230 and 5330 appliances.
  • Identify the key features of the SCSP audit view and how it protects servers in data centers.

Appliance Troubleshooting and Tools

  • ​Introduce the online resources available to assist with troubleshooting the appliance.
  • Describe how the indicators, lights and LEDs can be used to troubleshoot the appliance.
  • Describe a Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) swap out and if component is determined not to be a CRU, then the procedure is to escalate the issue.

This course is intended for Administrators, Operators, and other IT professionals who need to understand the general configuration, operations, monitoring and management concepts of a NetBackup Appliance.

Before attending this course, you should also have an understanding and working knowledge of networking fundamentals, storage fundamentals, Linux command fundamentals and general NetBackup concepts such as storage units and backup policies.

The Symantec NetBackup 2.6.x Appliances: Configuration and Management course provides IT professionals with the skills necessary to configure and manage Symantec NetBackup appliances. You will learn about the general tools and processes used when working with NetBackup appliances, such as the CLISH interface and appliance web console, as well as configuration and maintenance tasks specific to the NetBackup 5230 and 5330 appliances. Additionally this course explains the process of initial configuration, backup operations as they pertain to the appliance, monitoring, managing and troubleshooting a Symantec NetBackup Appliance environment.


Note: The scope of this course does NOT include general NetBackup concepts such as architecture in a NetBackup domain and backup policies.

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify and describe each of the Symantec Appliance family models, software releases and the major features of each of those models
  • Describe the process of performing a basic configuration of the Appliance using the NetBackup Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH).
  • Describe the process of monitoring and managing the 5230 Appliance using RMM4 and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu CLISH).
  • Identify common Appliance hardware faults or failures and management tasks for the appliance.
  • Describe the process of applying updates to the Appliance software and the effects and options of performing a reset or a reimage and decommissioning of a 5230 Appliance.
  • Review troubleshooting tools.

Appliance Introduction and Overview

  • Identify and describe each of the NetBackup Appliance models and their major features.
  • List the supported NetBackup Appliance software releases and identify how to access the compatibility information for NetBackup Appliances.
  • Identify the hardware components and configuration options of the appliance compute units and storage shelves.

Appliance Configuration

  • Identify the information needed to complete the preconfiguration checklist, the required registration web page and other considerations for the initial appliance configuration.
  • Describe how to access the Appliance Web Console for initial appliance configuration using the direct connect and remote methods and connecting postconfiguration through the network.
  • Identify local configuration tasks using the Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH).
  • Identify the remote configuration tasks using the Remote Management Module (RMM4)
  • Validate the appliance configuration by logging into the appliance.

Appliance Operations

  • Explain functionality differences when using a NetBackup appliance, and use common NetBackup features with the appliance.
  • Perform backups and restores using an appliance.
  • Run reports from the NetBackup and Appliance interfaces showing backup activity on the appliance.

Monitoring Appliance Health

  • Describe the areas in OpsCenter where Appliance monitoring information is found.
  • Identify monitoring tasks using the Appliance Web Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH).
  • Identify the areas in the Symantec Remote Management console where Appliance monitoring information is found.

Updates, Resets and Reimage

  • Describe the framework for upgrading an appliance to 2.6.1 including versioning/compatibility.
  • Perform pre-upgrade and pre-flight checks on an appliance.
  • Upgrade an appliance to a new software version.
  • Install client software from an appliance.
  • Perform a Factory reset on an appliance
  • Reimage an appliance
  • Describe the procedure to decommission an appliance.

Appliance Maintenance Tasks

  • Identify the basics of the optional Call Home feature and how it allows proactive monitoring and messaging of NetBackup components.
  • Describe the process for configuring a NetBackup CLI User.
  • Explain the steps required to configure authentication on the appliance using LDAP.
  • Describe general concepts for adding a second storage array and resource location for specific differences pertaining to the 5230 and 5330 appliances.
  • Identify the key features of the SCSP audit view and how it protects servers in data centers.

Appliance Troubleshooting and Tools

  • ​Introduce the online resources available to assist with troubleshooting the appliance.
  • Describe how the indicators, lights and LEDs can be used to troubleshoot the appliance.
  • Describe a Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) swap out and if component is determined not to be a CRU, then the procedure is to escalate the issue.

This course is intended for Administrators, Operators, and other IT professionals who need to understand the general configuration, operations, monitoring and management concepts of a NetBackup Appliance.

Before attending this course, you should also have an understanding and working knowledge of networking fundamentals, storage fundamentals, Linux command fundamentals and general NetBackup concepts such as storage units and backup policies.