
Insoft on palvellut IT-yhteisöä Ciscon virallisella koulutustarjonnalla vuodesta 2010. Tältä sivulta löydät kaikki olennaiset tiedot Ciscon koulutuksesta.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco opintopisteet (CLC) ovat suoraan Ciscon kanssa lunastettuja prepaid-koulutusseteleitä, jotka helpottavat menestyksen suunnittelua ostaessasi Ciscon tuotteita ja palveluita.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Cisco täydennyskoulutusohjelma tarjoaa kaikille aktiivisille sertifioinnin haltijoille joustavia vaihtoehtoja uudelleensertifiointiin suorittamalla erilaisia kelvollisia koulutuskohteita.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifioidut työntekijät ovat ARVOSTETTUJA omaisuuseriä. Tutustu Ciscon valtuutettuun digitaaliseen oppimiskirjastoon ja kouluta itseäsi tallennettujen istuntojen avulla.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program keskittyy Cisco Channel Partnersin ja asiakkaiden liiketoimintataitojen terävöittämiseen.

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Insoft Services on auktorisoitu Fortinet-kouluttaja useassa Euroopan maassa.

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ATC Status

Tarkista ATC-tilamme valituissa Euroopan maissa.

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Insoft Services tarjoaa Microsoftille EMEAR-koulutusta. Tarjoamme Microsoftin teknistä koulutusta ja sertifiointikursseja, joita johtavat maailmanluokan ohjaajat.

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Extreme Networks Technical Trainingin kehitys tarjoaa kattavan progressiivisen polun associate-akkreditoinnista ammatilliseen akkreditointiin.

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Valtuutettuna koulutuskumppanina (ATP) Insoft Services varmistaa, että saat korkeimman saatavilla olevan koulutuksen.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Missiomme: Tarjota asiantunteva joukko moderneja ja huippuluokan verkkoautomaatiotaitoja markkinoille asiantuntijapalvelujen avulla.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Autamme organisaatioita ottamaan käyttöön Software-Defined Networking (SDN) -ratkaisuja, kuten Cisco DNA:ta.Lisäksi tiimillämme on laaja kokemus Cisco DNA Centerin integroinnista kolmannen osapuolen järjestelmiin.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Koulutusvalikoimaamme kuuluu laaja valikoima IT-koulutusta IP-palveluntarjoajilta, mukaan lukien Cisco, Extreme Networks, Fortinet, Microsoft, muutamia mainitakseni, EMEA-alueella.

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APSTRA – Data Center Automation Using Juniper Apstra

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APSTRA – Data Center Automation Using Juniper Apstra

APSTRA – Data Center Automation Using Juniper Apstra
5 päivää
(Online ja paikan päällä)
Hinta pyydettäessä

This five-day course provides students with the foundational knowledge required to work with Juniper Apstra and to manage data center networks with the Juniper Apstra software. This class will teach attendees how to operate and manage Juniper Apstra. Attendees will be given a background on modern data center design and intent-based networking concepts.

The course covers the Juniper Apstra architecture and its data center reference architecture. It includes designing, building, deploying, and automating collapsed and three-stage IP fabric using a Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) overlay. The course covers navigating the Juniper Apstra UI, including creating resources, designs, templates, and instantiating blueprints (a running network). After teaching the students to use Juniper Apstra to build a running data center, the course reviews the operational tools for managing a system with Juniper Apstra, including performing basic troubleshooting, performing global and blueprint UI walkthroughs, enabling role-based access control, setting drain mode, adding and removing nodes from a fabric, rolling back an entire network (Time Voyager), creating on-box and off-box agents, configuring security policies, creating connectivity templates, querying the graph database, and performing intent-based analytics (IBA).

Students will gain experience configuring and monitoring an IP fabric using Juniper Apstra through demonstrations and hands-on labs. This course is based on Juniper Apstra Release 4.2.0.

Associated Certification:


  • Describe what is meant by intent-based networking.
  • Describe the Juniper Apstra architecture.
  • Navigate the global Apstra UI.
  • Describe the basic device abstractions used by Apstra.
  • Create and use system agents to manage devices.
  • Describe an IP fabric architecture.
  • Explain VXLAN functions and operations.
  • Describe Ethernet VPN (EVPN) routing and bridging.
  • Describe the Juniper Apstra reference designs.
  • Create resources.
  • Create tags.
  • Configure a rack type.
  • Configure templates.
  • Build and deploy a blueprint.
  • Navigate the blueprint UI.
  • Perform basic fabric device operations and troubleshooting.
  • Configure role-based access control.
  • Configure and apply property sets and configlets.
  • Configure connectivity templates.
  • Describe the multitenancy capabilities of Juniper Apstra.
  • Add a spine and a rack to an existing blueprint.
  • Add a generic system and links to an existing blueprint.
  • Use the Graph Explorer to traverse the graph datastore.
  • Describe the function of an IBA probe.
  • Create an IBA probe.
  • Describe the purpose of root cause identification.
  • Create and manage security policies.
  • Create a logical device.
  • Create an interface map.
  • Configure logging to a remote syslog server.
  • Manage the Apstra Server.
  • Describe how Apstra can enable a Data Center Interconnect (DCI).
  • Create a device profile.
  • Describe how the Apstra server can be automated


1. Course Introduction

2. Intent-Based Networking

  • What do we mean by intent?
  • Where is Juniper Apstra positioned?

3. Juniper Apstra Overview

  • Juniper Apstra server
  • Juniper Apstra device agents

4. Apstra UI Walkthrough

  • Navigate the global Apstra UI

Lab 1: Apstra UI Walkthrough

5. Role-Based Access Control

  • Configure users, roles, and providers to enable local and remote authentication

Lab 2: Configuring RBAC

6. IP Fabric Architecture

  • IP fabric options including collapsed (spineless), three-stage, and five-stage fabrics
  • IP fabric routing strategy
  • EBGP fabric
  • IP fabric best practices

7. VXLAN Overview

  • VPN terminology—control planes and data planes
  • VXLAN broadcast domains
  • VXLAN control plane evolution
  • VXLAN fundamentals
  • Hardware VTEPs and software VTEPs


8. EVPN Protocol

  • Overview of the EVPN protocol in a VXLAN environment
  • Route targets (policy)
  • Route distinguishers
  • EVPN route types and usage
  • Edge routing using Type 2 routes
  • Edge routing using Type 5 routes

9. Data Center Reference Design

  • Overview of using rack types to design your network
  • Overview of using templates to design your network
  • Host connectivity options
  • Life-cycle management (design, build, deploy, validate)

10. Device Management

  • Device profiles as a hardware compatibility list
  • Install off-box agents
  • Install on-box agents
  • Perform ZTP

Lab 3: Managing Devices

11. Resources

  • Create IP, VNI, and ASN Pools

12. Tags

  • Create Tags

Lab 4: Configuring Resources and Tags

13. Logical Devices, Device Profiles, and Interface Maps

  • Describe Logical Devices
  • Describe Device Profiles
  • Describe Interface Maps

Lab 5: Logical Devices, Device Profiles, and Interface Maps

14. Design: Racks

  • Create Custom Rack Types

15. Design: Templates

  • Create Custom Templates


16. Build and Deploy: Blueprints

  • Build and deploy a blueprint

Lab 6: Design, Build, and Deploy a Blueprint

17. Navigating the Blueprint UI

  • Navigate the tabs—Dashboard, Analytics, Staged, Uncommitted, Active, and Time Voyager
  • Describe layered views of the staged and active networks
  • IBA probe versus service anomalies 18 Basic Blueprint Operation
  • Use the Active tab to determine the status of a blueprint
  • Select a node to see neighbors, links, headroom, telemetry, device, properties, tags, and virtual settings
  • Query the blueprint (MAC, ARP, and VM)
  • Find by tags
  • Troubleshooting example
  • Make changes to your blueprint
  • Revert changes
  • Use Time Voyager

Lab 7: Navigating and Operating a Blueprint

19. Property Sets and Configlets

  • Configure Property Sets
  • Configure and Deploy Configlets

20. Connectivity Templates

  • Connectivity templates overview
  • Example: Enable a BGP session between border leaf and external router 21 Virtual Networks
  • Configure overlay virtual networks

Lab 8: Configuring Configlets, Connectivity Templates, and Virtual Networks


22. Root Cause Identification

  • Explain and enable RCI

23. Security Policies

  • Describe security policy functionality and terminology
  • Describe the security policy workflow
  • Use conflict resolution

Lab 9: Configuring Root Cause Identification and Security Policies

24. Creating Device Profiles

  • Create a custom device profile

25. Creating Logical Devices

  • Create a custom logical device

26. Creating Interface Maps

  • Create a custom interface map

27. Post-Deployment: Adding a Spine and a Rack

  • Add a spine and a rack to an existing blueprint

28. Post-Deployment: Adding a Generic System

  • Get familiar with global versus embedded rack types
  • Add a generic system to an existing blueprint

Lab 10: Working with Interface Maps, Racks, and Generic Systems


29. Graph Database

  • Use Graph Explorer to visually inspect a blueprint’s graph and its schema
  • Use the Graph Explorer to learn to query the graph database

30. Intent-Based Analytics—Overview

  • Describe the basics of an IBA probe

31 Create an IBA Probe

  • Create a predefined IBA probe
  • Create a new IBA probe

32. Syslog

  • Configure and Monitor logging to a remote syslog server

33. VMware vCenter Integration

  • Integrate Apstra with vCenter

Lab 11: Configuring IBA Probes, Syslog, and vCenter Integration

34. Data Center Interconnect

  • Describe a L2 DCI
  • Describe a L3 DCI

Lab 12: Configuring DCI

Individuals responsible for configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting modern spine-and-leaf data centers that leverage any networking vendor hardware or operating system. Networking architects and operators, System Engineers, DevOps and IT professionals

The course prerequisites include:

  • Basic knowledge of networking and data center designs
  • Understanding of Clos IP fabric
  • Overlay and underlay routing designs
  • Basic automation design and workflows
  • Understanding of network device configuration through the CLI
  • Knowledge of BGP
  • Completion of the Introduction to Juniper Data Center Networking course

This five-day course provides students with the foundational knowledge required to work with Juniper Apstra and to manage data center networks with the Juniper Apstra software. This class will teach attendees how to operate and manage Juniper Apstra. Attendees will be given a background on modern data center design and intent-based networking concepts.

The course covers the Juniper Apstra architecture and its data center reference architecture. It includes designing, building, deploying, and automating collapsed and three-stage IP fabric using a Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) overlay. The course covers navigating the Juniper Apstra UI, including creating resources, designs, templates, and instantiating blueprints (a running network). After teaching the students to use Juniper Apstra to build a running data center, the course reviews the operational tools for managing a system with Juniper Apstra, including performing basic troubleshooting, performing global and blueprint UI walkthroughs, enabling role-based access control, setting drain mode, adding and removing nodes from a fabric, rolling back an entire network (Time Voyager), creating on-box and off-box agents, configuring security policies, creating connectivity templates, querying the graph database, and performing intent-based analytics (IBA).

Students will gain experience configuring and monitoring an IP fabric using Juniper Apstra through demonstrations and hands-on labs. This course is based on Juniper Apstra Release 4.2.0.

Associated Certification:


  • Describe what is meant by intent-based networking.
  • Describe the Juniper Apstra architecture.
  • Navigate the global Apstra UI.
  • Describe the basic device abstractions used by Apstra.
  • Create and use system agents to manage devices.
  • Describe an IP fabric architecture.
  • Explain VXLAN functions and operations.
  • Describe Ethernet VPN (EVPN) routing and bridging.
  • Describe the Juniper Apstra reference designs.
  • Create resources.
  • Create tags.
  • Configure a rack type.
  • Configure templates.
  • Build and deploy a blueprint.
  • Navigate the blueprint UI.
  • Perform basic fabric device operations and troubleshooting.
  • Configure role-based access control.
  • Configure and apply property sets and configlets.
  • Configure connectivity templates.
  • Describe the multitenancy capabilities of Juniper Apstra.
  • Add a spine and a rack to an existing blueprint.
  • Add a generic system and links to an existing blueprint.
  • Use the Graph Explorer to traverse the graph datastore.
  • Describe the function of an IBA probe.
  • Create an IBA probe.
  • Describe the purpose of root cause identification.
  • Create and manage security policies.
  • Create a logical device.
  • Create an interface map.
  • Configure logging to a remote syslog server.
  • Manage the Apstra Server.
  • Describe how Apstra can enable a Data Center Interconnect (DCI).
  • Create a device profile.
  • Describe how the Apstra server can be automated


1. Course Introduction

2. Intent-Based Networking

  • What do we mean by intent?
  • Where is Juniper Apstra positioned?

3. Juniper Apstra Overview

  • Juniper Apstra server
  • Juniper Apstra device agents

4. Apstra UI Walkthrough

  • Navigate the global Apstra UI

Lab 1: Apstra UI Walkthrough

5. Role-Based Access Control

  • Configure users, roles, and providers to enable local and remote authentication

Lab 2: Configuring RBAC

6. IP Fabric Architecture

  • IP fabric options including collapsed (spineless), three-stage, and five-stage fabrics
  • IP fabric routing strategy
  • EBGP fabric
  • IP fabric best practices

7. VXLAN Overview

  • VPN terminology—control planes and data planes
  • VXLAN broadcast domains
  • VXLAN control plane evolution
  • VXLAN fundamentals
  • Hardware VTEPs and software VTEPs


8. EVPN Protocol

  • Overview of the EVPN protocol in a VXLAN environment
  • Route targets (policy)
  • Route distinguishers
  • EVPN route types and usage
  • Edge routing using Type 2 routes
  • Edge routing using Type 5 routes

9. Data Center Reference Design

  • Overview of using rack types to design your network
  • Overview of using templates to design your network
  • Host connectivity options
  • Life-cycle management (design, build, deploy, validate)

10. Device Management

  • Device profiles as a hardware compatibility list
  • Install off-box agents
  • Install on-box agents
  • Perform ZTP

Lab 3: Managing Devices

11. Resources

  • Create IP, VNI, and ASN Pools

12. Tags

  • Create Tags

Lab 4: Configuring Resources and Tags

13. Logical Devices, Device Profiles, and Interface Maps

  • Describe Logical Devices
  • Describe Device Profiles
  • Describe Interface Maps

Lab 5: Logical Devices, Device Profiles, and Interface Maps

14. Design: Racks

  • Create Custom Rack Types

15. Design: Templates

  • Create Custom Templates


16. Build and Deploy: Blueprints

  • Build and deploy a blueprint

Lab 6: Design, Build, and Deploy a Blueprint

17. Navigating the Blueprint UI

  • Navigate the tabs—Dashboard, Analytics, Staged, Uncommitted, Active, and Time Voyager
  • Describe layered views of the staged and active networks
  • IBA probe versus service anomalies 18 Basic Blueprint Operation
  • Use the Active tab to determine the status of a blueprint
  • Select a node to see neighbors, links, headroom, telemetry, device, properties, tags, and virtual settings
  • Query the blueprint (MAC, ARP, and VM)
  • Find by tags
  • Troubleshooting example
  • Make changes to your blueprint
  • Revert changes
  • Use Time Voyager

Lab 7: Navigating and Operating a Blueprint

19. Property Sets and Configlets

  • Configure Property Sets
  • Configure and Deploy Configlets

20. Connectivity Templates

  • Connectivity templates overview
  • Example: Enable a BGP session between border leaf and external router 21 Virtual Networks
  • Configure overlay virtual networks

Lab 8: Configuring Configlets, Connectivity Templates, and Virtual Networks


22. Root Cause Identification

  • Explain and enable RCI

23. Security Policies

  • Describe security policy functionality and terminology
  • Describe the security policy workflow
  • Use conflict resolution

Lab 9: Configuring Root Cause Identification and Security Policies

24. Creating Device Profiles

  • Create a custom device profile

25. Creating Logical Devices

  • Create a custom logical device

26. Creating Interface Maps

  • Create a custom interface map

27. Post-Deployment: Adding a Spine and a Rack

  • Add a spine and a rack to an existing blueprint

28. Post-Deployment: Adding a Generic System

  • Get familiar with global versus embedded rack types
  • Add a generic system to an existing blueprint

Lab 10: Working with Interface Maps, Racks, and Generic Systems


29. Graph Database

  • Use Graph Explorer to visually inspect a blueprint’s graph and its schema
  • Use the Graph Explorer to learn to query the graph database

30. Intent-Based Analytics—Overview

  • Describe the basics of an IBA probe

31 Create an IBA Probe

  • Create a predefined IBA probe
  • Create a new IBA probe

32. Syslog

  • Configure and Monitor logging to a remote syslog server

33. VMware vCenter Integration

  • Integrate Apstra with vCenter

Lab 11: Configuring IBA Probes, Syslog, and vCenter Integration

34. Data Center Interconnect

  • Describe a L2 DCI
  • Describe a L3 DCI

Lab 12: Configuring DCI

Individuals responsible for configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting modern spine-and-leaf data centers that leverage any networking vendor hardware or operating system. Networking architects and operators, System Engineers, DevOps and IT professionals

The course prerequisites include:

  • Basic knowledge of networking and data center designs
  • Understanding of Clos IP fabric
  • Overlay and underlay routing designs
  • Basic automation design and workflows
  • Understanding of network device configuration through the CLI
  • Knowledge of BGP
  • Completion of the Introduction to Juniper Data Center Networking course