
Insoft on palvellut IT-yhteisÜä Ciscon virallisella koulutustarjonnalla vuodesta 2010. Tältä sivulta lÜydät kaikki olennaiset tiedot Ciscon koulutuksesta.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco opintopisteet (CLC) ovat suoraan Ciscon kanssa lunastettuja prepaid-koulutusseteleitä, jotka helpottavat menestyksen suunnittelua ostaessasi Ciscon tuotteita ja palveluita.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Cisco täydennyskoulutusohjelma tarjoaa kaikille aktiivisille sertifioinnin haltijoille joustavia vaihtoehtoja uudelleensertifiointiin suorittamalla erilaisia kelvollisia koulutuskohteita.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Sertifioidut tyÜntekijät ovat ARVOSTETTUJA omaisuuseriä. Tutustu Ciscon valtuutettuun digitaaliseen oppimiskirjastoon ja kouluta itseäsi tallennettujen istuntojen avulla.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program keskittyy Cisco Channel Partnersin ja asiakkaiden liiketoimintataitojen terävÜittämiseen.

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Insoft Services on auktorisoitu Fortinet-kouluttaja useassa Euroopan maassa.

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ATC Status

Tarkista ATC-tilamme valituissa Euroopan maissa.

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Insoft Services tarjoaa Microsoftille EMEAR-koulutusta. Tarjoamme Microsoftin teknistä koulutusta ja sertifiointikursseja, joita johtavat maailmanluokan ohjaajat.

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Extreme Networks Technical Trainingin kehitys tarjoaa kattavan progressiivisen polun associate-akkreditoinnista ammatilliseen akkreditointiin.

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Valtuutettuna koulutuskumppanina (ATP) Insoft Services varmistaa, että saat korkeimman saatavilla olevan koulutuksen.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Missiomme: Tarjota asiantunteva joukko moderneja ja huippuluokan verkkoautomaatiotaitoja markkinoille asiantuntijapalvelujen avulla.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

Katso lisää


Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

Katso lisää


Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Autamme organisaatioita ottamaan käyttÜÜn Software-Defined Networking (SDN) -ratkaisuja, kuten Cisco DNA:ta.Lisäksi tiimillämme on laaja kokemus Cisco DNA Centerin integroinnista kolmannen osapuolen järjestelmiin.

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Maailmassa, jossa teknologiat kehittyvät nopeasti, jokainen yritys - yritys - tarvitsee kumppanin, johon luottaa ja luottaa verkkoinfrastruktuurinsa sujuvaan ja turvalliseen toimintaan.

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Koulutusvalikoimaamme kuuluu laaja valikoima IT-koulutusta IP-palveluntarjoajilta, mukaan lukien Cisco, Extreme Networks, Fortinet, Microsoft, muutamia mainitakseni, EMEA-alueella.

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IJSEC – Introduction to Juniper Security

Ota yhteyttä

Voit olla meihin yhteydessä ja tiedustella koulutuksistamme täydentämällä yhteystietosi ja koulutuksen nimen oheen.

Tietosuojalauseke ja yksityisyys

Suostun vastaanottamaan sähköpostiviestejä ja/tai puheluita Insoft Services Oy: n tuotteista ja palveluista.
Hyväksyn, että tietojani kerätään ja käsitellään Insoft Servicesin tietosuojakäytännössä kuvatulla tavalla.


IJSEC – Introduction to Juniper Security

IJSEC – Introduction to Juniper Security
3 päivää
(Online ja paikan päällä)
Hinta pyydettäessä

This three-day course provides students with the foundational knowledge required to work with the Junos operating system and to configure Junos security devices. The course provides a brief overview of the Juniper security products and discusses the key architectural components of the Junos software.

Key topics include UI options with a heavy focus on CLI, configuration tasks typically associated with the initial setup of devices, interface configuration basics with configuration examples, secondary system configuration, and the basics of operational monitoring and maintenance of Junos Security devices.

The course then delves into foundational knowledge of security objects, security policies, and configuration examples including types of security objects, security policies, security services NAT, site-to-site IPsec VPN, and Juniper Secure Connect VPN. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring Junos OS and monitoring basic device operations on the SRX Series device. This course is based on Junos OS Release 21.2R1.10.

Associated Certification:

Security, Associate (JNCIA-SEC)

  • Describe Juniper Networks connected security device framework
  • Describe SRX Series device features
  • Describe initial and basic configuration
  • Describe and demonstrate the Junos CLI options
  • Configure security zone and screen objects
  • Configure address and service objects
  • Implement security policies
  • Describe IPS and implement IPS policies
  • Describe user-based firewall and implement integrated user-based firewall
  • Describe UTM—antivirus and antispam
  • Describe UTM—content filtering and Web filtering
  • Describe JATP Cloud features
  • Implement Source NAT
  • Implement Destination and Static NAT
  • Implement site-to-site IPsec VPN
  • Describe SSL VPN by using Juniper Secure Connect
  • Administer and troubleshoot security services on an SRX Series device
  • Describe monitoring and reporting features on the SRX Series device


1. Course Introduction

2. Juniper Connected Security

  • Identify the high-level security challenges in today’s network
  • Describe basic network security design
  • Identify the key factors in Juniper Networks security focus

3. Juniper SRX Series Overview

  • Describe the Junos architecture and SRX features
  • Explain the traffic processing and logical packet flow on an SRX Series device
  • Describe the Junos J-Web UI and its features

4. Juniper SRX Initial Configuration

  • List and perform initial configuration tasks
  • Perform basic interface configuration tasks

Lab 1: Initial System Configuration

5. UI Options – The Junos CLI

  • Perform Junos CLI basics
  • Describe Junos operational mode
  • Describe Junos configuration mode

6. Security Zones and Screen Objects

  • Describe and configure security zones objects
  • Describe and configure screen objects

7. Address Objects and Service Objects

  • Describe and configure address objects
  • Describe and configure service objects

Lab 2: Creating Security Objects


8. Security Policies

  • Describe the purpose and types of security policies
  • Define the security policy components
  • Configure an application firewall with unified security policies
  • Implement security policy for a given use case

Lab 3: Creating Security Policies

9 Security Services—IPS

  • Explain the purpose of IPS
  • Define the IPS policy components
  • Configure IPS policies

10. Security Services—Integrated User-Based Firewall

  • Explain the purpose of user-based firewall
  • Configure integrated user-based firewall

Lab 4: Security Services—IPS Integrated User Firewall

11. UTM—Antivirus and Antispam

  • Describe the purpose of UTM services
  • Explain antispam and its functionality

12. UTM—Content Filtering and Web Filtering

  • Explain the functionality of Content filtering
  • Explain the functionality of Web filtering

Lab 5: Implementing UTM Virtual SRX

13. Juniper Connected Security—JATP Cloud

  • Explain the purpose of JATP
  • Describe the features of JATP
  • Describe the process to enroll devices with JATP Cloud
  • Monitor JATP

Lab 6: JATP Overview


14. Source Network Address Translation

  • Describe the purpose and functionality of NAT and PAT
  • Configure and monitor source NAT
  • Explain the purpose of proxy ARP

15. Destination Network Address Translation and Static Network Address Translation

  • Configure and monitor destination NAT
  • Configure and monitor static NAT

Lab 7: Implementing NAT

16 Site-to-Site IPsec VPN

  • Describe the high-level overview and configuration options for IPsec VPN
  • Implement IPsec VPN for a given use case
  • Describe the functionality of proxy-id and traffic selectors
  • Monitor site-to-site IPsec VPN

Lab 8: Implementing IPsec VPN

17. Juniper Secure Connect

  • Describe Juniper Secure Connect features
  • Explain Juniper Secure Connect UI options
  • Deploy Juniper Secure Connect
  • Monitor Juniper Secure Connect

Lab 9: Implementing Juniper Secure Connect

18. SRX Troubleshooting

  • Discuss SRX and vSRX licensing
  • Describe how to use packet capture
  • Describe the traceoptions on the SRX Series device
  • Discuss how to verify Content Security policy usage

19. Monitoring and Reporting

  • Explain the basic monitoring features
  • Explain the use of network utility tools on the SRX Series device
  • Describe the procedure of maintaining Junos OS
  • Identify the various reports available on SRX J-Web interface

Lab 10: Monitoring and Reporting


A. SRX Series Hardware and Interfaces

B. Virtual SRX

C. Juniper Sky Enterprise

D. IPsec VPN Concepts

This course benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring Juniper Security devices

  • Basic networking knowledge
  • Basic understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model
  • Basic understanding of the TCP/ IP protocol suite

This three-day course provides students with the foundational knowledge required to work with the Junos operating system and to configure Junos security devices. The course provides a brief overview of the Juniper security products and discusses the key architectural components of the Junos software.

Key topics include UI options with a heavy focus on CLI, configuration tasks typically associated with the initial setup of devices, interface configuration basics with configuration examples, secondary system configuration, and the basics of operational monitoring and maintenance of Junos Security devices.

The course then delves into foundational knowledge of security objects, security policies, and configuration examples including types of security objects, security policies, security services NAT, site-to-site IPsec VPN, and Juniper Secure Connect VPN. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring Junos OS and monitoring basic device operations on the SRX Series device. This course is based on Junos OS Release 21.2R1.10.

Associated Certification:

Security, Associate (JNCIA-SEC)

  • Describe Juniper Networks connected security device framework
  • Describe SRX Series device features
  • Describe initial and basic configuration
  • Describe and demonstrate the Junos CLI options
  • Configure security zone and screen objects
  • Configure address and service objects
  • Implement security policies
  • Describe IPS and implement IPS policies
  • Describe user-based firewall and implement integrated user-based firewall
  • Describe UTM—antivirus and antispam
  • Describe UTM—content filtering and Web filtering
  • Describe JATP Cloud features
  • Implement Source NAT
  • Implement Destination and Static NAT
  • Implement site-to-site IPsec VPN
  • Describe SSL VPN by using Juniper Secure Connect
  • Administer and troubleshoot security services on an SRX Series device
  • Describe monitoring and reporting features on the SRX Series device


1. Course Introduction

2. Juniper Connected Security

  • Identify the high-level security challenges in today’s network
  • Describe basic network security design
  • Identify the key factors in Juniper Networks security focus

3. Juniper SRX Series Overview

  • Describe the Junos architecture and SRX features
  • Explain the traffic processing and logical packet flow on an SRX Series device
  • Describe the Junos J-Web UI and its features

4. Juniper SRX Initial Configuration

  • List and perform initial configuration tasks
  • Perform basic interface configuration tasks

Lab 1: Initial System Configuration

5. UI Options – The Junos CLI

  • Perform Junos CLI basics
  • Describe Junos operational mode
  • Describe Junos configuration mode

6. Security Zones and Screen Objects

  • Describe and configure security zones objects
  • Describe and configure screen objects

7. Address Objects and Service Objects

  • Describe and configure address objects
  • Describe and configure service objects

Lab 2: Creating Security Objects


8. Security Policies

  • Describe the purpose and types of security policies
  • Define the security policy components
  • Configure an application firewall with unified security policies
  • Implement security policy for a given use case

Lab 3: Creating Security Policies

9 Security Services—IPS

  • Explain the purpose of IPS
  • Define the IPS policy components
  • Configure IPS policies

10. Security Services—Integrated User-Based Firewall

  • Explain the purpose of user-based firewall
  • Configure integrated user-based firewall

Lab 4: Security Services—IPS Integrated User Firewall

11. UTM—Antivirus and Antispam

  • Describe the purpose of UTM services
  • Explain antispam and its functionality

12. UTM—Content Filtering and Web Filtering

  • Explain the functionality of Content filtering
  • Explain the functionality of Web filtering

Lab 5: Implementing UTM Virtual SRX

13. Juniper Connected Security—JATP Cloud

  • Explain the purpose of JATP
  • Describe the features of JATP
  • Describe the process to enroll devices with JATP Cloud
  • Monitor JATP

Lab 6: JATP Overview


14. Source Network Address Translation

  • Describe the purpose and functionality of NAT and PAT
  • Configure and monitor source NAT
  • Explain the purpose of proxy ARP

15. Destination Network Address Translation and Static Network Address Translation

  • Configure and monitor destination NAT
  • Configure and monitor static NAT

Lab 7: Implementing NAT

16 Site-to-Site IPsec VPN

  • Describe the high-level overview and configuration options for IPsec VPN
  • Implement IPsec VPN for a given use case
  • Describe the functionality of proxy-id and traffic selectors
  • Monitor site-to-site IPsec VPN

Lab 8: Implementing IPsec VPN

17. Juniper Secure Connect

  • Describe Juniper Secure Connect features
  • Explain Juniper Secure Connect UI options
  • Deploy Juniper Secure Connect
  • Monitor Juniper Secure Connect

Lab 9: Implementing Juniper Secure Connect

18. SRX Troubleshooting

  • Discuss SRX and vSRX licensing
  • Describe how to use packet capture
  • Describe the traceoptions on the SRX Series device
  • Discuss how to verify Content Security policy usage

19. Monitoring and Reporting

  • Explain the basic monitoring features
  • Explain the use of network utility tools on the SRX Series device
  • Describe the procedure of maintaining Junos OS
  • Identify the various reports available on SRX J-Web interface

Lab 10: Monitoring and Reporting


A. SRX Series Hardware and Interfaces

B. Virtual SRX

C. Juniper Sky Enterprise

D. IPsec VPN Concepts

This course benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring Juniper Security devices

  • Basic networking knowledge
  • Basic understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model
  • Basic understanding of the TCP/ IP protocol suite